So I woke up this morning feeling not so hot. Another damn headache rocking my world. It didn't help being woke up by a phone call from my SIL...Daya I love you, really I do, but 2 hours...2 hours.....but hey my nephew wasn't feeling so hot either and she needed some nursy advice. Ok, I give... :D
So I roll out of bed and stumble down stairs. I didn't really see how awesome it was outside yet. As I type this, I start to feel bad for all my fellow Okies stuck in OK in the figid-ness of Ole Man Winter. Sorry guys! But anywho, I roam around the house try to get myself motivated to get up and do something....what a better way to wake myself up than to go online shopping!
I have been eyeing a boutique online for a while now that does custom made bags and such. They make them out of old or new military uniforms. And being the total dork of a military wife that I am, I had to have one. Daniel kept telling me to get one and to go grab one of his old uniforms. We are going to get one for his mom to, because like me, she is a big sap and loves all that military supporter stuff. I don't know where I found the website the orignial time, but incase anyone else is interested, here it is...
They are called Hero on my Arm purses. So anywho, ordering that was enough motivation to get me off my arse and get busy for the day. I had to grab some fabric to put inside it and mail it off.
And running to the fabric store was a chore in itself! I swear I can't ever go in there if I have a lot of money to spend, because I will get too ahead of myself and buy all kinds fabric for all sorts of projects that roll around in my head. Soon enough...I have about 6 baby blankets to currently make (thank you everyone for having a baby....I appreciate it) and will be need to be finished by the end of June when we plan on coming home so they can all be delivered. I got really off topic from what I was meaning to talk about. As I was out running my errands, I began to realize how amazingly gorgeous it was outside. The sun is out, the birds are chirping, slight breeze...just ahhh!!
I feel so lucky to be living here right now with the man I love. Until now, we have never been able to live together. We spent what seemed like forever apart, as well as the begining of our marriage. Every night when we go to bed next to each other, I feel just so happy. Getting to cook dinner with him, acting like real grown-ups just blows my mind. I never in a million years would have imagined that 9 years after I met this super hot redhead, did I think I would marry him, help him work on his military career and move to California. I know I sound so super cheesy, but lately I have just had this overall sence of happiness, that I don't know how to express.
Well I am going to wrap this up with some pictures of us through our many adventures as a couple...from almost the begining to!
On my g-ma's front porch in Tulsa on one of our many visits a few years after we began dating.
Just after my HS graduation...May 2003
Just after Daniel's HS graduation...May 2004
Navy boot camp graduation!!! August 2004

Washington DC, 4th of July 2006. I was visiting while he was stationed in Norfolk, VA.

Some of our engagement pictures taken by Sara from Sara's Photo Creations in Norman, OK. It was a whopping 28 degrees outside that day. We walked all around OU's campus and froze our butts off!

Yet another picture from Sara. Our impromtu wedding picture in the rain. It's one of my favorite pictures from our wedding!
And us as of Valentine's Day. We went to Coronado Island to eat and walked along the beach at sunset...perfect, perfect, perfect!