Sunday, March 21, 2010

Back from the City of Angels

Well yesterday was interesting....we left our house at about 10:30am to head to LA. It is roughly a 2 hour drive. Well it was far from that, let me tell you. We finally arrived at our friends house around 2pm....yes a 2 hour drive turned into a 3 1/2 hour nightmare!

Traffic was HORRIBLE! Well before we even hit LA traffic was sucking. Then when we got just south of LA we hit a major traffic jam that we were stuck in for 2 hours.

I now see why there is so much smog and nasty air in LA. This is the crap we were stuck in forever. A lot of it was just crazy roads and road construction. But then it turned into a really nasty car wreck....there was a car off to the side of the road that had caught fire. It had already burned out by the time we got to it, but from the looks of it, it was pretty bad. I sure hope the drive and any passengers got out ok.

So after that little traffic jam, traffic picked up finally and it wasn't bad at all. I managed to get a few pictures as well. The next one is downtown LA. You can see how hazy it is out there...yuck!

We found a fellow Okie in the traffic jam!!!

The Hollywood sign way in the distance!!!

After we finally got to my friend's house, we jumped right back into the car and headed out for lunch. We went to one of her favorite restaurants around the was ok. It was a Japanese BBQ place and you cooked your meat on a little grill right at your table. It kind of reminded me of melting pot, but way cheaper. It was ok, I guess. D wasn't too excited about it. He isn't into all that kind of stuff but he was still a good sport about it all.

After lunch we drove down to Hollywood and Highland...can I say wow?!? Crazy business down there. It is the main part of the Hollywood Blvd drag I guess. It is right where El Capitan, The Kodak Theater, and Grauman's Chinese Theater are all located. We saw all the main people's star on the was pretty cool. Of course Michael Jackson's star had a ton of people around it, but whatever.

We went into the Grauman's entrance area where the stars put their hands and feet into the concrete. That was pretty cool I must say. D got his picture taken with Adam Sandler's feet. He is a big fan!

Next we walked down to Madame Tassauds Wax Museum. They had a few of the figure out on display. It is unreal how real they look. They had Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), Samuel L. Jackson, and Marilyn Monroe out on display. Perfect photo op....

Next we continued down Hollywood Blvd to this little biniki shop my friend loves. She is a model in LA and gets a lot of her suits from this shop I guess. We walk in and see these huge bird cages right away....a little weird, but hey, it is LA. The lady at the shop had several cockatoos and big birds like that. Then my friend notices on of her pictures on display behind the register. It was really weird to see her picture up there modeling one of the suits in the shop. So we are on our way out and we are talking to the shop lady about her animals and she pulls this bin out from under one of the cages and uncovers it....and boom. There is a freaking sloth in there!!

A sloth?!?! Yup...better believe it. So She picks it up and put it to D's chest and she just clings on for dear life. She was adorable! Her name was Pokie and she was so cute!!!

D has now checked another one of those weird life experiences off his list that he never thought he would do. I mean, yea we have seen sloths in the zoo's and stuff, but never in person! I am a pretty big fan of this picture. I think we look pretty cute in it to be quite honest. Our friends were joking that we looked like we had a child and were posing like proud parents! LOL....Only in LA... After that we decided to head back to our car and drive home. We weren't looking forward to the drive at all! We were just praying that it wasn't as bad on the way home as it was getting there. And thankfully it wasn't!

On another note, I had another weigh in today with WW....and I am down almost 6 lbs!! Almost 4 from last week. I worked super hard this week and am so stoked! D is pretty proud of me as well. I was worried because of lunch yesterday and the Marble Slab that we ate, but between yesterday morning and this morning, I dropped another 1/2 pound! Super yea for me!

But I guess I will go ahead and jump off here now...D needs a hair cut and I think we are going to take our boys for a walk and do a little cleaning around the house. Hope everyone has a super fabulous day!

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