**Side note** D just called and they are off work, so we are going to finish packing and then leave!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Vegas...take 2!
Well...I must say that I love being only 5 hours from Vegas!! Since D has a long weekend, we are heading up there with some friends. A couple we are going with got married last weekend in Idaho, but unfortunately we were unable to attend because D was OOT, as usual, and we had no one to watch our dogs. So they had decided that they wanted to get a group of people together this weekend for some good ole' fashioned fun. We are super excited and cannot wait to get away with some friends. We have never really gone on a vacation with friends before, so this should be interesting. As soon as they get off work, D and I will go pick them up in Betty and we are off!!
**Side note** D just called and they are off work, so we are going to finish packing and then leave!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
**Side note** D just called and they are off work, so we are going to finish packing and then leave!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Done with blankets!
Well I FINALLY finished some of the blankets that I had set in front of myself to finish before going home in 2 weeks!!
First off, I finished the blanket for my friend that is deploying next month. It was huge and purple and super snuggly warm! She was so excited to see it. She figured out I was making her a blanket, but she assumed that I was making a blanket like I make all my other blankets. But instead I crocheted it in yarn of her favorite color. It was roughly 5 foot by 5 foot. I made 4 tassels and attached to each corner.
First off, I finished the blanket for my friend that is deploying next month. It was huge and purple and super snuggly warm! She was so excited to see it. She figured out I was making her a blanket, but she assumed that I was making a blanket like I make all my other blankets. But instead I crocheted it in yarn of her favorite color. It was roughly 5 foot by 5 foot. I made 4 tassels and attached to each corner.
The next blanket I finished was for my friend's son, F. She was super excited to see it as well and said she was going to sleep with it tonight! Like I posted in my previous blanket post, F LOVES monkeys and bananas...so I had to put monkey fabric in his blanket.
These are the fabrics that I used....I did decide to change the ribbon to the yellow solid ribbon instead of the blue gingham. I just think that it looks much better this way...
So here is the finished product...you can see that each corner has a cute little ribbon tied and sewn into it!
So I have 4 more blankets to finish, as well as finishing the 3 toddler dresses I decided to make as well that I saw on another blog post. I also plan on making a cute little skirt for myself to wear in Vegas this weekend. I will post more pics as I get things done!!
Date day??? Don't mind if I do!
Well D and I got to have a fabulous date day this past Sunday. It was great! He had to drive out to the desert to get some ammo issued for the SEAL student so he asked if I wanted to join in for the mini road trip and a movie date. I of course agreed!
I have wanted for a while to go to the base D works out while he is in the desert. But it is literally in the middle of nowhere. It was probably a good hour from the highway and about 45 minutes from any major town. It is north of El Centro, CA. I was able to visit D several weeks ago, but I only stayed at a hotel about 20 minutes from base instead.
After he issued the ammo and showed me around the base for a bit, we quickly drove back to the nearest movie theater, about 45 minutes away, so we could catch Robin Hood. It was pretty good. It wasn't what I expected, but I did like it. I assumed it was going to be the story line of him stealing from the Rich and giving to the poor, and it turns out that it is the back story to how he became Robin Hood. We snuggled through the movie and I just LOVE to snuggle! We shared some popcorn and a ginormous lemonade.
After the movie we headed back to the base to fill up on gas and check to see if the students needed anything else. After that, we hit the road and drove home. We stopped for dinner at a Subway not far from the highway and shared a delicious cappuccino. It was a great day though I will tell you that!! We don't really spend entire days like that together often, but I really enjoyed it.
Luckily D comes home tomorrow night and then we are headed to Vegas for a 4 day weekend...then home a week after that!! I am so excited to come home!
Get ready OK...Mr. and Mrs. H are coming home!!!!!!!!!!!
I have wanted for a while to go to the base D works out while he is in the desert. But it is literally in the middle of nowhere. It was probably a good hour from the highway and about 45 minutes from any major town. It is north of El Centro, CA. I was able to visit D several weeks ago, but I only stayed at a hotel about 20 minutes from base instead.
After he issued the ammo and showed me around the base for a bit, we quickly drove back to the nearest movie theater, about 45 minutes away, so we could catch Robin Hood. It was pretty good. It wasn't what I expected, but I did like it. I assumed it was going to be the story line of him stealing from the Rich and giving to the poor, and it turns out that it is the back story to how he became Robin Hood. We snuggled through the movie and I just LOVE to snuggle! We shared some popcorn and a ginormous lemonade.
After the movie we headed back to the base to fill up on gas and check to see if the students needed anything else. After that, we hit the road and drove home. We stopped for dinner at a Subway not far from the highway and shared a delicious cappuccino. It was a great day though I will tell you that!! We don't really spend entire days like that together often, but I really enjoyed it.
Luckily D comes home tomorrow night and then we are headed to Vegas for a 4 day weekend...then home a week after that!! I am so excited to come home!
Get ready OK...Mr. and Mrs. H are coming home!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Long time, no post!
Wow...so it's been a while since I posted, but I have been ridiculously busy this past week so I am going to keep this short.
I have been a super busy bee making blankets and dresses for some super cute kiddos before we go home in 2 weeks. I am almost done with the front parts of all the blankets and I just washed the backing to all of the blankets. Now I just have to cut them all to the same size and I will be ready to sew them, and attach all the bow to the corners to tie all 3 layers together. I just finished making all the bows last night...100 in all! I think by now I am a pro at making little teeny tiny bows!!
I am also finishing up my friend's blanket...the one who is deploying next month. I am so excited to see her but at the same time, I am sad that she will be leaving soon and I won't get to see her until January of NEXT YEAR!!! Grr...well we have a lot planned next week when she gets back in town...movie, sushi dinner date, and then she wants me to teach her my magical sewing ways!
Well I am going to have to jump off here...I need to run to the monogram shop before they close so I can get all the names I had made...I promise to post pics as soon as I get them done!
I have been a super busy bee making blankets and dresses for some super cute kiddos before we go home in 2 weeks. I am almost done with the front parts of all the blankets and I just washed the backing to all of the blankets. Now I just have to cut them all to the same size and I will be ready to sew them, and attach all the bow to the corners to tie all 3 layers together. I just finished making all the bows last night...100 in all! I think by now I am a pro at making little teeny tiny bows!!
I am also finishing up my friend's blanket...the one who is deploying next month. I am so excited to see her but at the same time, I am sad that she will be leaving soon and I won't get to see her until January of NEXT YEAR!!! Grr...well we have a lot planned next week when she gets back in town...movie, sushi dinner date, and then she wants me to teach her my magical sewing ways!
Well I am going to have to jump off here...I need to run to the monogram shop before they close so I can get all the names I had made...I promise to post pics as soon as I get them done!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
It's a love story, Baby just say...YES!!
Well thanks to my good friend Ginger, I found this really awesome book about wonderful love stories from WWII.

It is compiled/written by Larry King, which I found odd. But I did love it! Being a military wife I do relate to a lot of what the women felt. The absolute pride you have when you look at your husband in uniform, knowing what he does for your country is just indescribable.
Yes we are in a different time than what they were in then, but I get it. I am a very fortunate military bride and that although my husband has been deployed, and once to a war zone, I never *really* had to worry about his safety like most of the brides in this book. I mean you do worry to an extent, but at the same time I knew where he was and he was not in a current area of battle. D spent 10 months in the Horn of Africa just north of Somalia. He was technically in a war zone, but luckily not in the middle East as was previously thought he would be.
So like I said I never had to worry. But the distance was rough. Our communication was much easier than it was back then, we talked everyday in form or another. Wrote emails every day and talked on the phone several times a week. It was nice, but it doesn't compare to having your flesh and blood husband there with you every day...*sigh*
Well I will be reading this book again I can promise you that. Probably several times I am sure. :D
It is compiled/written by Larry King, which I found odd. But I did love it! Being a military wife I do relate to a lot of what the women felt. The absolute pride you have when you look at your husband in uniform, knowing what he does for your country is just indescribable.
Yes we are in a different time than what they were in then, but I get it. I am a very fortunate military bride and that although my husband has been deployed, and once to a war zone, I never *really* had to worry about his safety like most of the brides in this book. I mean you do worry to an extent, but at the same time I knew where he was and he was not in a current area of battle. D spent 10 months in the Horn of Africa just north of Somalia. He was technically in a war zone, but luckily not in the middle East as was previously thought he would be.
So like I said I never had to worry. But the distance was rough. Our communication was much easier than it was back then, we talked everyday in form or another. Wrote emails every day and talked on the phone several times a week. It was nice, but it doesn't compare to having your flesh and blood husband there with you every day...*sigh*
Well I will be reading this book again I can promise you that. Probably several times I am sure. :D
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
A book, some clothes, some extra "baggage" and the always dashing Robert Downey Jr...
Yet again it is time to update the 101!!!
I finished yet another book. The book had a pretty good story line. Good twists, turns, suspense, BUT I think it was too long. I am a huge fan of mystery/suspense novels and I can never quite say no to them. So when I saw this book in the store, Malice by Lisa Jackson, it sounded pretty good to me...courtesy of the author's website:
The scent is unmistakable—gardenias, sweet and delicate, the same perfume that his beautiful first wife, Jennifer, always wore. Opening his eyes in the hospital room where he's recovering from an accident, New Orleans detective Rick Bentz sees her standing in the doorway. Then Jennifer blows him a kiss and disappears. But it couldn't have been Jennifer. She died twelve years ago...
Once out of the hospital, Bentz begins to see Jennifer everywhere, haunting and taunting him, then vanishing without a trace. Could she still be alive? But it was Bentz who identified Jennifer's body after her horrible car wreck, and there had been no question in his mind that it was her crumpled form behind the wheel, her clothes, her wedding ring. He's never doubted it—until now. He can't tell his new wife, Olivia, about the sightings or his secret fear that he's losing his mind, even though he knows she suspects something is wrong. But Olivia is also hiding a secret...
When a copy of Jennifer's death certificate arrives in the mail, emblazoned with a red question mark, Bentz follows the postmark trail to Los Angeles, returning to the painful memories he's tried so hard to forget, and straight into a killer's web. Reconnecting with his former LAPD colleagues, Bentz begins to piece together Jennifer's last days, but each new discovery only serves as a chilling reminder of how little he really knew about his first wife. Then the murders begin, each victim a part of Jennifer's past, each grisly corpse pointing to Bentz as the prime suspect.
Someone's been waiting patiently, silently. Someone who knows exactly what happened that night twelve years ago and has been anticipating Bentz's every move. Soon it will be Bentz's turn to suffer for his sins. But he won't be the only one made to pay the ultimate price. For a diabolical killer has now made Olivia the prime target...
The book was just really drawn out. I felt like a lot of it could have been cut out and didn't add anything extra to the story line. But like I said....I am a sucker for a good mystery. So that is #7 of #11.
This past weekend D and I decided that before we move we yet again into our new house, we should get rid of some clothes we are never going to be able to wear again. Since D joined the military he has gained quite a bit of muscle mass especially in the upper chest and arms (yum....) so he is no longer a medium in any shirt. Especially with how small things tend to run these days. Also he got rid of a bunch of nice shirts that are too short, due to yet again his increase in muscle mass, but in his traps. I too cleaned out my closet and got rid of the vast majority of my "club" gear....you know the sparkly type tops you wear when you go out?? I was never much into clubs our going out much, but they were from when I worked at a clothing store and mini skirts, club shirts and stilettos were the main components of your wardrobe. I also got rid of some shirts that I don't feel comfortable being so short. Not that I have anything to hide, I just feel like being on the verge of 25 (ouch....that was hard to say) that I probably don't need to dress like that any more. I am trying to find some sort of consignment shop out here I can take it too because most of the stuff is in really good condition and would like to try and get a little off of it. If not, no big deal, I will just take it to the Good Will or something. So #80....done!
Well a few weeks ago I vent about my weight. I finally went in to my WW profile and re-figured my points. It dropped by about 7. I did that last week as well as checking and recalculating all my foods again to make sure I am eating the right amount of points. Well as of this morning I am down another 4 lbs. That puts me just a tenth of a point shy of my 10 pound mark. But you know what....I am gonna take it. I still have about 10lbs to go until my first goal but I would love to loose about 5 to 10 more on top of that.....#26, 10 down...10 maybe more to go!!!!!
Oh Robert Downey Jr....how handsome are you when you aren't having your mug shot splashed all over my TV. Now I must admit I did NOT see Iron Man...I know it's a shame and a damn good movie from what I have heard, but I did see Iron Man 2, and it was FABULOUS! There wasn't anything I didn't understand by the end of the movie. Although I will say that when he had that thing in his chest and was checking his "toxicity" level in his blood, that I was wondering about, but it was all made clear rather quickly. I thought maybe I missed something important from the first movie, but alas I did not. Like I said...great movie, over 2 hours long, but good. And if you stay until after the credits you get a preview to the next Iron Man, which I am going to guess comes out next summer. My advice...go see it! Chalk another one up to #37!
Well I think that is about it for now. I have been busy working, working, and working. We had our home inspection last week, appraisal tomorrow and we are shooting to close in the next 2 weeks. Super tight timeline, but I am hoping luck is on our side! We also are planning our trip home...YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Two wonderful, amazing, hell-a hot summer days in Oklahoma! Lord spin this world a little faster so I can go home! I cannot wait to see my family and friends.
I am still working on the 5 baby blankets I have to finish before I come home and to top it off I decided to sew 3 little dresses, for 2 of my nieces and my goddaughter. I am going to get fabric for those dresses this weekend. I will post lots of pics once all of my stitching is done!!!
I finished yet another book. The book had a pretty good story line. Good twists, turns, suspense, BUT I think it was too long. I am a huge fan of mystery/suspense novels and I can never quite say no to them. So when I saw this book in the store, Malice by Lisa Jackson, it sounded pretty good to me...courtesy of the author's website:
The scent is unmistakable—gardenias, sweet and delicate, the same perfume that his beautiful first wife, Jennifer, always wore. Opening his eyes in the hospital room where he's recovering from an accident, New Orleans detective Rick Bentz sees her standing in the doorway. Then Jennifer blows him a kiss and disappears. But it couldn't have been Jennifer. She died twelve years ago...
Once out of the hospital, Bentz begins to see Jennifer everywhere, haunting and taunting him, then vanishing without a trace. Could she still be alive? But it was Bentz who identified Jennifer's body after her horrible car wreck, and there had been no question in his mind that it was her crumpled form behind the wheel, her clothes, her wedding ring. He's never doubted it—until now. He can't tell his new wife, Olivia, about the sightings or his secret fear that he's losing his mind, even though he knows she suspects something is wrong. But Olivia is also hiding a secret...
When a copy of Jennifer's death certificate arrives in the mail, emblazoned with a red question mark, Bentz follows the postmark trail to Los Angeles, returning to the painful memories he's tried so hard to forget, and straight into a killer's web. Reconnecting with his former LAPD colleagues, Bentz begins to piece together Jennifer's last days, but each new discovery only serves as a chilling reminder of how little he really knew about his first wife. Then the murders begin, each victim a part of Jennifer's past, each grisly corpse pointing to Bentz as the prime suspect.
Someone's been waiting patiently, silently. Someone who knows exactly what happened that night twelve years ago and has been anticipating Bentz's every move. Soon it will be Bentz's turn to suffer for his sins. But he won't be the only one made to pay the ultimate price. For a diabolical killer has now made Olivia the prime target...
The book was just really drawn out. I felt like a lot of it could have been cut out and didn't add anything extra to the story line. But like I said....I am a sucker for a good mystery. So that is #7 of #11.
This past weekend D and I decided that before we move we yet again into our new house, we should get rid of some clothes we are never going to be able to wear again. Since D joined the military he has gained quite a bit of muscle mass especially in the upper chest and arms (yum....) so he is no longer a medium in any shirt. Especially with how small things tend to run these days. Also he got rid of a bunch of nice shirts that are too short, due to yet again his increase in muscle mass, but in his traps. I too cleaned out my closet and got rid of the vast majority of my "club" gear....you know the sparkly type tops you wear when you go out?? I was never much into clubs our going out much, but they were from when I worked at a clothing store and mini skirts, club shirts and stilettos were the main components of your wardrobe. I also got rid of some shirts that I don't feel comfortable being so short. Not that I have anything to hide, I just feel like being on the verge of 25 (ouch....that was hard to say) that I probably don't need to dress like that any more. I am trying to find some sort of consignment shop out here I can take it too because most of the stuff is in really good condition and would like to try and get a little off of it. If not, no big deal, I will just take it to the Good Will or something. So #80....done!
Well a few weeks ago I vent about my weight. I finally went in to my WW profile and re-figured my points. It dropped by about 7. I did that last week as well as checking and recalculating all my foods again to make sure I am eating the right amount of points. Well as of this morning I am down another 4 lbs. That puts me just a tenth of a point shy of my 10 pound mark. But you know what....I am gonna take it. I still have about 10lbs to go until my first goal but I would love to loose about 5 to 10 more on top of that.....#26, 10 down...10 maybe more to go!!!!!
Oh Robert Downey Jr....how handsome are you when you aren't having your mug shot splashed all over my TV. Now I must admit I did NOT see Iron Man...I know it's a shame and a damn good movie from what I have heard, but I did see Iron Man 2, and it was FABULOUS! There wasn't anything I didn't understand by the end of the movie. Although I will say that when he had that thing in his chest and was checking his "toxicity" level in his blood, that I was wondering about, but it was all made clear rather quickly. I thought maybe I missed something important from the first movie, but alas I did not. Like I said...great movie, over 2 hours long, but good. And if you stay until after the credits you get a preview to the next Iron Man, which I am going to guess comes out next summer. My advice...go see it! Chalk another one up to #37!
Well I think that is about it for now. I have been busy working, working, and working. We had our home inspection last week, appraisal tomorrow and we are shooting to close in the next 2 weeks. Super tight timeline, but I am hoping luck is on our side! We also are planning our trip home...YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Two wonderful, amazing, hell-a hot summer days in Oklahoma! Lord spin this world a little faster so I can go home! I cannot wait to see my family and friends.
I am still working on the 5 baby blankets I have to finish before I come home and to top it off I decided to sew 3 little dresses, for 2 of my nieces and my goddaughter. I am going to get fabric for those dresses this weekend. I will post lots of pics once all of my stitching is done!!!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Some people really rub me the wrong way....
Ok here goes...massive vent!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My father's wife drives me absolutely BANANAS!!! Like seriously...she married my dad about 10 months after my mom died. I was 10. Needless to say I was not thrilled. She had another daughter from a previous relationship and we got along pretty well (my step sister and I that is). They got married because she was pregnant. A huge no-no in my dad's family. So they played it off that my half sister was born 2 months early, when really she was born right on time. Sorry but a 2 months preemie isn't almost 7 pounds.
Any who, after they married we moved to Norman. Mommy Dearest was super strict. She had this super detailed list laid out for me and my step sister that we had to complete EVERY DAY. Like it was a whole legal sheet of paper long in TNR font size 10. Yea...all 7 days of the week. And to top it off she had to initial it every day or we would get in trouble. But I am just going to stop there because I just get so mad when I talk about it.
Now there is not a damn thing wrong with having your children do chores. But when you sit on your fat a$$ and watch them do everything, there is something wrong there. We were made to go out every weekend during the hot Oklahoma summers and weed, by hand, the huge flower beds that lined our yard. It was pretty rough. We literally cleaned the ENTIRE house, top to bottom every weekend. Including my dad and step mom's bathroom. Total eww...And my nickname from my best friend grow up was Cinderella because I was always cleaning our white tiled kitchen floor on my hand and knees with a wash cloth.
So when my sister and I lived at home we were basically the slaves of the house. Even after my sister and I started working and being involved more with friends and whatnot we still had our "list" to do everyday. If I wanted to go do anything with D I had to ask my step mom permission. Not my dad, but my step mom. Really?? Not fair...
I finally moved out my freshman year of college into the dorms. I was 17 and finally on my own. I joined a sorority and did all things related to that. My dad and I had never been close after my mom died, but when I moved out we finally did get closer. I think pat of it was that he saw me as an adult and no longer a little girl he had to raise. He gave me money whenever I was short. Took care of my car when it was messed up. Gave me any thing I needed that revolved around sorority stuff, college, food, whatever. Even on occasion he would meet me before my morning class before he would go to work to eat breakfast with me at the cafeteria next to Couch at OU. Dad's day was awesome too. We had a great time and I was Daddy's Little Girl again.
Then Mom's day rolled around in the spring. I was trying to be adult and invited my step mom. We had fun. We did some fundraising for our philanthropy (which was breast cancer research and the Susan G. Komen Foundation-keep that in the back of your mind). Had a blast, went shopping, had lunch, etc.
Well everything fell apart that summer when I moved home. Too much to go into on a public blog, but it ruined my relationship with my dad, which is what upsets me more than anything. Looking back at my freshman year of college, and thinking about all the good times my dad and I had and all he was doing for me, just felt like a bribe hoping I wouldn't find out about what he had done behind my back.
So fast forward to the last couple of years. Step mom and dad are both on FB. I accepted step mom's request but not dad's. She is always posting crap about being a breast cancer survivor and whatnot. Excuse me??? Did I miss something? Never once when I was in my sorority did she mention anything about having breast cancer. Never once...and I would think that she would have since that was what we were raising money for. I even volunteered for the Race for the Cure my freshman year of college and she never did/said anything.
It absolutely drives me bonkers that she does this because I know it is a damn lie. And I have proof. When I had to come home in December for my grandpa's funeral, I was talking with my Aunt about it and she told me that my step mom admitted to never having cancer. But that she had found a few non cancerous cysts 20 plus years ago when step sister was young. Nothing since then. But unless the status for breast cancer has changed then, non cancerous cysts do not = cancer.
She is always posting crap about being a survivor and gets tons of sympathy from her friends on FB. It just infuriates me to no end. I am very convinced (with almost 95% certainty) that she has Munchhausen Syndrome as well as Munchhausen's Syndrome by Proxy towards my half sister (but we won't go there now...that is a whole other story). I really really hate people who act like that and try to lie and draw attention to themselves.
I just don't get it. Step mom didn't act like that when I lived in the house and I just wonder what in the H happened after I left. My dad has also gone off the deep end and it just breaks my heart. He used to be a good man. Not perfect by any means, but he was good to me when I was very young. I just miss so much of my childhood and all the memories I should have, and instead I think about scrubbing the kitchen floor on my hands and knees and my step sister vacuuming every room in the house.
Well I guess that is the end of my vent. I just had to get this of my chest because my FB feed is almost always covered with her crap about being a survivor of breast cancer and today was just it. Thanks for reading the whole thing if you did... :D
My father's wife drives me absolutely BANANAS!!! Like seriously...she married my dad about 10 months after my mom died. I was 10. Needless to say I was not thrilled. She had another daughter from a previous relationship and we got along pretty well (my step sister and I that is). They got married because she was pregnant. A huge no-no in my dad's family. So they played it off that my half sister was born 2 months early, when really she was born right on time. Sorry but a 2 months preemie isn't almost 7 pounds.
Any who, after they married we moved to Norman. Mommy Dearest was super strict. She had this super detailed list laid out for me and my step sister that we had to complete EVERY DAY. Like it was a whole legal sheet of paper long in TNR font size 10. Yea...all 7 days of the week. And to top it off she had to initial it every day or we would get in trouble. But I am just going to stop there because I just get so mad when I talk about it.
Now there is not a damn thing wrong with having your children do chores. But when you sit on your fat a$$ and watch them do everything, there is something wrong there. We were made to go out every weekend during the hot Oklahoma summers and weed, by hand, the huge flower beds that lined our yard. It was pretty rough. We literally cleaned the ENTIRE house, top to bottom every weekend. Including my dad and step mom's bathroom. Total eww...And my nickname from my best friend grow up was Cinderella because I was always cleaning our white tiled kitchen floor on my hand and knees with a wash cloth.
So when my sister and I lived at home we were basically the slaves of the house. Even after my sister and I started working and being involved more with friends and whatnot we still had our "list" to do everyday. If I wanted to go do anything with D I had to ask my step mom permission. Not my dad, but my step mom. Really?? Not fair...
I finally moved out my freshman year of college into the dorms. I was 17 and finally on my own. I joined a sorority and did all things related to that. My dad and I had never been close after my mom died, but when I moved out we finally did get closer. I think pat of it was that he saw me as an adult and no longer a little girl he had to raise. He gave me money whenever I was short. Took care of my car when it was messed up. Gave me any thing I needed that revolved around sorority stuff, college, food, whatever. Even on occasion he would meet me before my morning class before he would go to work to eat breakfast with me at the cafeteria next to Couch at OU. Dad's day was awesome too. We had a great time and I was Daddy's Little Girl again.
Then Mom's day rolled around in the spring. I was trying to be adult and invited my step mom. We had fun. We did some fundraising for our philanthropy (which was breast cancer research and the Susan G. Komen Foundation-keep that in the back of your mind). Had a blast, went shopping, had lunch, etc.
Well everything fell apart that summer when I moved home. Too much to go into on a public blog, but it ruined my relationship with my dad, which is what upsets me more than anything. Looking back at my freshman year of college, and thinking about all the good times my dad and I had and all he was doing for me, just felt like a bribe hoping I wouldn't find out about what he had done behind my back.
So fast forward to the last couple of years. Step mom and dad are both on FB. I accepted step mom's request but not dad's. She is always posting crap about being a breast cancer survivor and whatnot. Excuse me??? Did I miss something? Never once when I was in my sorority did she mention anything about having breast cancer. Never once...and I would think that she would have since that was what we were raising money for. I even volunteered for the Race for the Cure my freshman year of college and she never did/said anything.
It absolutely drives me bonkers that she does this because I know it is a damn lie. And I have proof. When I had to come home in December for my grandpa's funeral, I was talking with my Aunt about it and she told me that my step mom admitted to never having cancer. But that she had found a few non cancerous cysts 20 plus years ago when step sister was young. Nothing since then. But unless the status for breast cancer has changed then, non cancerous cysts do not = cancer.
She is always posting crap about being a survivor and gets tons of sympathy from her friends on FB. It just infuriates me to no end. I am very convinced (with almost 95% certainty) that she has Munchhausen Syndrome as well as Munchhausen's Syndrome by Proxy towards my half sister (but we won't go there now...that is a whole other story). I really really hate people who act like that and try to lie and draw attention to themselves.
I just don't get it. Step mom didn't act like that when I lived in the house and I just wonder what in the H happened after I left. My dad has also gone off the deep end and it just breaks my heart. He used to be a good man. Not perfect by any means, but he was good to me when I was very young. I just miss so much of my childhood and all the memories I should have, and instead I think about scrubbing the kitchen floor on my hands and knees and my step sister vacuuming every room in the house.
Well I guess that is the end of my vent. I just had to get this of my chest because my FB feed is almost always covered with her crap about being a survivor of breast cancer and today was just it. Thanks for reading the whole thing if you did... :D
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Lots of updates!
So I have a TON of 101 updates right now....a lot has happened in the last week or so and I am just now having a minute or 2 to write them all out.
#2 on 101
First and foremost...we are FINALLY in escrow on our house. We got under contract Feb. 1st, but since it was a short sale with a double mortgage, it took a while for the banks to approve everything. So we are now finally moving on! We are going to try and close the Friday before Memorial Day since we are going to Vegas again. We want to be moved into the house before we come home which will be the second week of June because if we don't do it then, D goes OOT as soon as we come home from leave. Oh the joys of the Navy....but I am excited nonetheless. I cannot wait to get into our house. I am really excited and am ready to call a house, ours.
#6 and #37 on 101
This past weekend D and I had another date night. This date night knocks out 2 birds with one stone. Sunday we went and ran errands together around town and then ran to the mall. We have been trying to see Clash of the Titans for a while now and we finally got the chance that day. It was pretty good....the graphics were ok, but some of it you could tell was super fake. After the movie we came home, grilled some steak and sat and watched Dane Cook. It was a very nice date night. No phone calls, no video games and no one around but us...
#15 on 101
Saturday was a good friend of mine's bachelorette party. We got all dolled up and headed to a bar down by the beach. She was in a white dress and we were in black. It was a BLAST! We had table service at the bar, which consisted of us buying our own bottle of liquor and them giving us a table to sit and all the mixers we needed. We all got wasty-faced pretty quick. We left pretty early considering, but the bride to be was more than done. Luckily her FI came and picked us up at the bar in a cab and took us over to another friend's house so we could get in his truck. As soon as we go to the house, the bride, well had to be sick. I felt so bad for her. I sat next to her on the bathroom floor while she prayed to the porcelain gods wiping her face and putting a cool rag on her neck and forehead. We eventually made it back to her house and her FI then drove me home. It was such a blast and I can't wait to go to Vegas with them after their wedding!
#21 on 101
Well I tried my friend's baked ziti recipe several times in April because it was such a big hit with D. He just kept saying how good it was. I even made it WW friendly with whole wheat pasta, FF cream cheese, and ground turkey. I plan on making it again tonight for D. He is so excited!
#22 on 101
This week I am making 2 home cooked meals for D. He is gone so often it is hard to plan any meals. But last night I was able to make a cheesy chicken pasta and tonight I am making baked ziti. I just love cooking for him. He is just so appreciative of it. He will sit in the kitchen and watch me cook or do some dishes or clean for a bit while I cook. It is so nice acting like a real married couple I just want to pinch myself everyday because I just can't believe how happy I finally am.
#79 on 101
I know I have posted a couple of times about my best friend that I have out here, deploying soon. Well I am making her a blanket to take on the ship with her when she deploys in June. I am almost done with it. I have 2 more bundles of yarn and then I need to add the fringe to 2 of the 4 edges. So far it is so heavy...and warm which is just what I was going for....
I am sure I will have more updates shortly. I just bought a boat-load of new books from Amazon (thanks Gingy BTW for all the book rec's) and I can't wait to dig into them!!
#2 on 101
First and foremost...we are FINALLY in escrow on our house. We got under contract Feb. 1st, but since it was a short sale with a double mortgage, it took a while for the banks to approve everything. So we are now finally moving on! We are going to try and close the Friday before Memorial Day since we are going to Vegas again. We want to be moved into the house before we come home which will be the second week of June because if we don't do it then, D goes OOT as soon as we come home from leave. Oh the joys of the Navy....but I am excited nonetheless. I cannot wait to get into our house. I am really excited and am ready to call a house, ours.
#6 and #37 on 101
This past weekend D and I had another date night. This date night knocks out 2 birds with one stone. Sunday we went and ran errands together around town and then ran to the mall. We have been trying to see Clash of the Titans for a while now and we finally got the chance that day. It was pretty good....the graphics were ok, but some of it you could tell was super fake. After the movie we came home, grilled some steak and sat and watched Dane Cook. It was a very nice date night. No phone calls, no video games and no one around but us...
#15 on 101
Saturday was a good friend of mine's bachelorette party. We got all dolled up and headed to a bar down by the beach. She was in a white dress and we were in black. It was a BLAST! We had table service at the bar, which consisted of us buying our own bottle of liquor and them giving us a table to sit and all the mixers we needed. We all got wasty-faced pretty quick. We left pretty early considering, but the bride to be was more than done. Luckily her FI came and picked us up at the bar in a cab and took us over to another friend's house so we could get in his truck. As soon as we go to the house, the bride, well had to be sick. I felt so bad for her. I sat next to her on the bathroom floor while she prayed to the porcelain gods wiping her face and putting a cool rag on her neck and forehead. We eventually made it back to her house and her FI then drove me home. It was such a blast and I can't wait to go to Vegas with them after their wedding!
#21 on 101
Well I tried my friend's baked ziti recipe several times in April because it was such a big hit with D. He just kept saying how good it was. I even made it WW friendly with whole wheat pasta, FF cream cheese, and ground turkey. I plan on making it again tonight for D. He is so excited!
#22 on 101
This week I am making 2 home cooked meals for D. He is gone so often it is hard to plan any meals. But last night I was able to make a cheesy chicken pasta and tonight I am making baked ziti. I just love cooking for him. He is just so appreciative of it. He will sit in the kitchen and watch me cook or do some dishes or clean for a bit while I cook. It is so nice acting like a real married couple I just want to pinch myself everyday because I just can't believe how happy I finally am.
#79 on 101
I know I have posted a couple of times about my best friend that I have out here, deploying soon. Well I am making her a blanket to take on the ship with her when she deploys in June. I am almost done with it. I have 2 more bundles of yarn and then I need to add the fringe to 2 of the 4 edges. So far it is so heavy...and warm which is just what I was going for....
I am sure I will have more updates shortly. I just bought a boat-load of new books from Amazon (thanks Gingy BTW for all the book rec's) and I can't wait to dig into them!!
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