It is compiled/written by Larry King, which I found odd. But I did love it! Being a military wife I do relate to a lot of what the women felt. The absolute pride you have when you look at your husband in uniform, knowing what he does for your country is just indescribable.
Yes we are in a different time than what they were in then, but I get it. I am a very fortunate military bride and that although my husband has been deployed, and once to a war zone, I never *really* had to worry about his safety like most of the brides in this book. I mean you do worry to an extent, but at the same time I knew where he was and he was not in a current area of battle. D spent 10 months in the Horn of Africa just north of Somalia. He was technically in a war zone, but luckily not in the middle East as was previously thought he would be.
So like I said I never had to worry. But the distance was rough. Our communication was much easier than it was back then, we talked everyday in form or another. Wrote emails every day and talked on the phone several times a week. It was nice, but it doesn't compare to having your flesh and blood husband there with you every day...*sigh*
Well I will be reading this book again I can promise you that. Probably several times I am sure. :D
I love hearing love stories, I will have to check this out. It is kind of odd that Larry King was involved...
ReplyDeleteYay! Glad you liked it! :)