Since we are going to Vegas in a week we tried to do something low key and not too expensive. We kept seeing a commercial for a restaurant here in town called Hometown Buffet. D said he had been there before when he was little when we still lived in OK.
So we looked it up and off we went. It was pretty good. Very Golden Corral, buffet set up. One cool thing about it was that it had ICEE drinks as a drink choice! I was like a kid in a candy store! I freaking love those things! I know if I was a kid I would be super stoked about that. I did resist however since we were going to go to a movie later and we always share and ICEE at the movies.
For our movie part of the night, we went to go see the new Resident Evil: 3D. We are big fans of the series and D plays the video game as well. We have been watching them in theaters since they first came out. I think this is the 4th one and from the ending I am going to guess there will be another. It is your typical zombie, semi scary, action it? It was good and I was pleased with it.
The only thing I was bummed about was the 3D part. You know I am not a big fan of 3D movies. I just don't get it. I never feel like 3D makes it (or any movie for that matter) any better. I felt the same way about Avatar actually. I didn't fee like the graphics or whatever you call them really stood off the screen much more than normal. I mean there were a few parts yea, but I didn't think those parts of the movie made it seem any cooler. Does that make any sense??
Well anywho, that was our date night in a nut shell. We came home, watched some TV in bed and fell asleep. Like I said we have been so busy lately that we just haven't been staying up very late. But that is it for now!!
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