Well...it's time for blankets! I have so many friends right now that are KU, I am swamped with baby blankets to make!! And to top it off...all them have to be finished by the time we come at the end of June. I am making one blanket for a friend who's little boy turns 2 this May, so I guess that is one non-blanket. She is the same person I am making a blanket to take on her deployment this June...so her blanket needs to be done by the end of May...and hers is going to be crocheted. I think patchwork might be a little young for her!
I make these blankets for all my friends and family who have children. The first blanket I made was for D. I made it...about 7 years ago. It is huge and big enough to cover a twin size bed. He loved it and slept with it every night until he left for the Navy and once he got an apartment in VA he had me ship it to him. :D
The next one I made was for my BFF...she had her first baby in 2005. My little angel Kailyn. Oh how I love this little girl! She is my Angel and has her Aunt Erica absolutely wrapped around her little finger! I made her a baby blanket that was crib size...Winnie the Pooh fabric with rose, yellow, mint green and baby blue. It was adorable.

Now my BFF is preggers with her 2nd baby, Tinslee. She is going to be an absolute spoiled doll too! I have started calling her my Peanut...and I think that name will stick too. Her blanket is going to be the same size as big sister's but it is going to be chocolate brown and pink. I haven't found any fabric yet, but I will post a pic when I find some!
The next blanket I am working on is for another friend, Amy. She was our neighbor below us in our first actual apartment together, which burnt down 8 days after we moved in. Needless to say that made us pretty close really quick. She has a little girl named Abi. I made her a blanket before she was born and it was pink and chocolate. It was a different pattern than what I usually do and a lot more time consuming, hence why I try not to do it too often. But it is just so stinking cute, I had to do it again when she got KU again. Amy is having another little girl, Graycie, and her blanket is going to be hot pink and zebra with white and black ribbon to tie in the corners of the squares.
This is big sister Abi's blanket. As you can see, it has a lot of different pieces to it. I cut 4 9" x 4" strips around a 6" x 6" square of the alternating color. Graycie's will be the same way.
The next blanket I need to have done, is for my friend's little boy who turns 2 in May. He is an absolute mess and a half! He is about all boy as a boy can get. If he can climb it he will, if he can throw it, he will throw it as hard as possible. He runs every where and is into everything! His daddy is really going to have his hands full while mommy is gone on deployment.
The next blanket is for my nursing school buddy Carolyn. She had her first little boy 1 and a half years ago and just found out she is KU again! She is due in September, so I have a little bit of time, but I want to give it to her while I am home. She had a little boy first and is having another little boy, Trevor. His blanket was teal, cream, and chocolate. Super cute! I haven't picked out any fabric yet, but I know I want to do red and navy, but I don't want it to look like the 4th of July, KWIM??

Me and the mommy-to-be at her first shower!
Next, is D's BFF...his wife is having their second little boy as well, Bryson James. Their first little boy Kagan Joseph, got a turquoise, yellow and lime blanket, and BJ will get a lime, yellow and bright blue blanket. I know the color schemes sound basically the same, and I guess they are, but the patterns of all the fabrics are different. Here is what I am using for BJ's blanket.
This is the blanket I am thinking of swapping the ribbon around. I think blue gingham might look better than this yellow. I think the yellow might be a little too dark....
Ok...this next one is for you Alexis...if you are reading this...STOP NOW! Do not look any further! I want this to be a surprise for you!!
Ok...now hopefully she is gone. Well Let me just say this blanket I am SUPER excited for! Alexis and I have know each other for a while. We met while we worked at Children's Hospital in the ED. It was a lot of fun. I think I got along with her the best out of everyone else I worked with. We are obviously not working there any more...everything just went into the crapper. We kept in touch a lot over the years and she sent me a text the night she got KU saying she had something to tell me and I called her right away because I knew she was KU! I was so thrilled. She hadn't even told her D yet...just me and another nurse we used to work with. She was going to tell him as soon as he got home!
So monkeys and sage green are the main colors for the nursery. I found the absolute perfect fabric and I can't wait for her to see!!
I will post pictures of all the blankets as I get them done!! Enjoy!
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