Saturday, April 17, 2010

Girl's Night!!

Well last night was girl's night! We had a total blast! I went out with a girl that works in D's shop and her friends. We all met shortly after we moved here and I just really clicked with them all. They are so much fun to hang out with. We are never short on something to talk about or something to do.

So last night we all met up and I drove us to downtown San Diego to an area known as the Gaslamp. It is like Bricktown back home, but a lot more bars and clubs. We went to this amazing bar called The Shout House. It is a dueling piano bar with a small back up band. You go in and there are 2 pianos at the front of the bar with a set of drum and guitar. They play pretty much any song you can come up with.

These guys were incredible musicians. Anything from Garth Brooks, "Friends in Low Places" to Lady Gaga, "Bad Romance" and Metallica to Elton John. They knew all the words and the back up music. You could write down your request on a piece of paper, give them a dollar and they would play it. There was a point when there was some sort of drum solo in a song and all the musicians jumped up on the 2 pianos and did an impromptu drum line.

And of course being a military town, they called all the active duty as well as retired service members up on stage while they played, "God Bless America". That song gets me every time!

One song that they did that was pretty rockin' was Queen's, "Bohemian Rhapsody". It was A.M.A.ZING!!! Like ridiculous. One of the girls at the table recorded it and sent it to me. She only got part of it because a bouncer told us no recording, so we only got some of the song, but it is just a small sample of how amazing these guys were. Every one in the bar was just going crazy and singing it at the top of their lungs! You can hear everyone at the bar just lovin' it! I wish there was a bar like this at home...they are packed every night and on the weekends there is a huge line to get in if you don't get there early enough!

Any who....ending with a few pictures of me and my girls. We cannot wait to do it again!!!

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