Here are some of the projects I have been working on…..I am terrible at taking pics of the stuff I have made, but here is what I have….
Chocolate and pink is what mom is going for in the nursery. I really like the way it all turned out…especially the letters.

Here is my friend Amy’s blanket for her new little one who arrived last week! I didn’t get a chance to get it to her while we were home though, so the good ole’ snail mail will have to do. I made on for big sister last year, so I did the same pattern for little sister.
I made a blanket for a fellow Nestie and gave it to her at our GTG we had. I could have sworn I took a picture of it…like I am 99% positive took a picture of it, but I can’t seem to find it any where. It really turned out cute. Maybe Mommy to be will post a pic of it on FB and I will steal it to throw up here! *Hint hint….*
I also made a blanket for D’s BF and his wife’s new baby, Bryson James. It matched his nursery perfect as well. I posted the fabric several blogs back….lime green, blue with bubble and yellow dot. I also put some blue gingham bows in each corner. Yet again I forgot to talk a pic….I know I suck!
I made another blanket for a friend that I went to nursing school with. She is having another little boy! Yea for 2 under 2!! Big brother’s blanket was cream, chocolate, and turquoise. Little brother’s blanket is mint green dot, tan-ish/pale blue/mint stripy fabric, and pale blue. Yet again…no pics.
Now something I do have pictures of…3 precious dresses that I made after seeing on one of my FAVORITE blogs… She has so much stuff on there and I can’t wait to make it all! Stay tuned to my home updating blog for her great ideas I plan on putting in our house!
Here is my first dress for my niece Emmy Gracy:
White tee, sassy zebra print skirt and a hot pink sash!
Emmy’s big sister Kaylee Bear:
And for my BF’s daughter…my Angel, Kailyn. Since soon to be little sister, Tinslee, got so much, I had to get my Angel something too….
Purple shirt, fun multi colored dot fabric for skirt and hot pink sash and trim on bottom.
They all looked so cute in their new dresses, I wish I would have thought to take pictures of them in them!! The only picture I have of any of them in the dresses is my Angel. She wore it at Tinslee's shower and her mom put a pic up on FB with her in I stole it! :D

Blurry, but you get the idea...
Well those are all the new creations I have for now. But I will have more soon, once we get all settled into our house and I can manage to find some time! I have spied several new projects on Make it and Love it, that I am dying to create!!
So stay tuned!!
Cute cute cute!