So we are back from Vegas and completely exhausted!!! I think the 4 days we were there, we got a totally of 11 hours of sleep. Absolutely craziness is how I will describe this weekend. But it was so much fun going with a group of friends.
We left Friday afternoon around 3pm...not exactly what we were aiming for, but oh well. We wanted to leave by 12:30-1pm at the latest, but what can you do?? We finally got to Vegas around 8:30 or so. It took us a bit longer to get there because of the traffic, which we didn't exactly expect because we wanted to leave earlier. So we dropped our friends off at
Treasure Island and we took off to out hotel. We probably would have stayed with them at the same hotel, but we had the fur-babies with us so we had to stay off the strip at a little hole in the wall hotel. It wasn't terrible, but D and I agreed, we won't be going back there.
So we unload and meet our friends for dinner. We decided to meet up at
Margaritaville, next to the Flamingo. It was pretty good. They had a live band and cleared some of the tables out for a dance floor. I went out and was dancing with one of my friends, having a good time and this guy comes up to dance with us. No big deal, right? I don't mind dancing with other guys, because D doesn't really dance and he doesn't care either. But this guys was just too much. He was just grinding up on me and I kept backing away, pulling my friend closer and she was putting her arms around me to be in between me and the guy, but he didn't really get the message. After the song was over, he puts his hands around my waist, spins me around, looks at my wedding ring and says, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas..." EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! He kept pulling me closer to kiss me and I kept pulling back, but he would not let go! My friend had to pry us apart and I stormed off. I felt so dirty and so insulted. I know this guys was really drunk, but still, I feel like that isn't an excuse to ask me to cheat on my husband. Even worse, when my friend told him my husband was over at out table, he said, "That's okay...." Double yuck! Then he goes and asks my friend as well to go to his hotel...and she told him, that her husband too was sitting at the table. This guys just didn't get it...AT ALL! Needless to say it really put a damper on my night.
After that we went and gambled for a while, because it's Vegas right??
We eventually made it to our hotel room and passed out for 3 hours before getting up and heading to TI. D was playing in a poker tourney that morning and I was going to lay by the pool with our friend who was staying there. It was fabulous being lazy by the pool and getting some sun, but Lord have mercy was it hot!! We didn't stay too long out there because the men didn't last long in the tourney, so we went upstairs, showered and off we went. That first day we went to see the pawn shop in
Pawn Stars. It is a show on the history channel that D loves!!

We walked back to the strip...well the Stratosphere at least from downtown Las Vegas. It was a hike!! We caught a cab from there and headed back to our hotel to get ready to go see the fight that was that night at the MGM. We got back to our hotel room and passed out! We were so tired! It was a very short 2 hours, but needed. After that we headed back to TI to watch the fight at the Kahunaville.

This was the monster drink the 3 of us girls had dry ice in it to make it all bubbly! :D

This was the friendly wager D placed with a friend about the fight. D said Evans was going to win and friends said Rampage was going to win...

Well, we won!! Nice!!!

All of us before leaving Kahunaville and heading out to the strip again!

This is the newlywed couple that we went to Vegas with...they had been married just 1 week and really the whole reason we took the trip to Vegas! He is deploying next week for 7 months so this was our last hoo-rah before he left. It was a great time!

D and I outside the Wynn Hotel...just beautiful waterfall!!
The next day, Sunday, we spent the entire day poolside at TI while the boys, yet again, played poker. They came and joined us a few hours after we got there and we had just a blast!! Lots of beer, great music, and an amazing pool!! We stayed at the pool for about 6 hours before us girls took off to the hotel room to get dressed for dinner and our last night.
The last night, we headed to Monte Carlo for some more gambling and poker action. Well it couldn't have been better! D won his first poker tourney and pocked $650!!! I was so happy for him! He wants so desperately to play in a major poker game in Vegas to get him to the World Series of Poker at the Rio. I really hope one day he is able to get to it. He is such a good player, that I know one day he will get there!
The next morning, bright and early at 6 am we hit the road. I had to go to work that night so I didn't want to push my luck any more and be late to work. Apparently the traffic out of Vegas Memorial Day weekend is brutal. It was all smooth sailing until we were about 1 1/2 hours from home and we hit a HORRIBLE traffic jam. We literally could see our exit that would take us straight home. It was at a dead stand still. People were getting out of their cars trying to see what was going on, but we just couldn't see. I even stood up on my seat and was looking through the sun roof to see if I could see anything, but no such luck. After about 30 minutes, the traffic started moving and we were off towards home!!

While I was driving home, I turned to see D sleeping and Boot, sitting on D's shoulder like a parrot. He was just pleased as could be sitting there. It was pretty amusing....

And here is our little Rocko guy, doing what he does best...being a lap dog...
But eventually we made it home, and it was nap time!!!! :D

Eww disgusting. I'm sorry that you had to go through that. On a brighter note tell me you got a picture of Chum?