Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I wanna get chocolate wasted!!!

Bawhahaha!! A few weeks ago D and I along with some friends went and saw Adam Sandler’s new movie “Grown Ups”….soooo funny!!! Like really funny. I mean David Spade…Adam Sandler…Chris Rock…Rob Schnider….and the guy from Paul Blart Mall Cop (can’t think of his name!!)…how could it not be funny?!?!

I had heard on either the tv or the radio the Monday after it came out that it was a bomb and it was terrible. I don’t know how that is even remotely possible. Surely I heard it wrong because I laughed so hard. The ending was super cheesy, but the rest was AWESOME!

D is a huge Adam Sandler fan! When we went to Hollywood a few months ago we stopped at Graumann’s and he took a picture with his hands and feet…

So naturally D loved it. So it was a really fun movie night for us and a good time to hang with our friends. We are planning a fun anniversary weekend, so stayed tuned for some more 101 updates!


  1. We really liked it too! I don't know why it did so badly...

  2. Kevin James!!! So funny, I can't wait to see this movie.
